St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear All,

Another busy week at St Luke’s. The children are all busy learning and enjoying school.  I have particularly enjoyed Kestrel’s Rosie the Hens popping up all around school.  The Year 6s have had a fantastic time at Whitehall Outdoor Education Centre.  When I popped in to see them they were all very proud of themselves for taking up the challenges offered.

The choir today are being filmed singing the song for Derbyshire on Glossop Station. They will feature along with children from across Derbyshire in the finished film.

The PTA could not believe it when yet again the rain came down last Friday afternoon so the Scoot and Skate had to be cancelled. In other PTA news there will be a sub-committee meeting on Tuesday 10th at 7pm at the Oakwood.  This is to plan in detail the fashion show and the Christmas fair.  If you are able to be involved with either of these events do go along.

Glossop Jog is on Sunday 8th October. If you who are taking part you need to be there by 10.45 to sign in, the jog starts at 11. There is still time to sign up if you would like to.

Parents Evening letters have gone out for Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th October.  If one has not made it home to you do pop into the office to get one.  Please tick as many slots as possible as this makes it easier for us to fit you in, if everyone only ticks the first slot we cannot fit everyone in.

The PTA disco is fast approaching, it is next Friday 13th October.  A flyer will be coming out with more details.

The PTA is raising money this year towards a bike shelter. If anyone has any ideas for fund raising activities they would love to hear them.

I know Bike Club is looking for more members. It meets on a Saturday 10-11 at Glossopdale School, Glossop site.  They charge £3 a child a session.  Children need a bike and a helmet.  The children love it and improve their cycling skills no end.

Mrs Hukin has asked me to remind you that dinner money needs to be paid up-front, a number of people are building up large debts.

Alice Littlehailes