Dear All,
My least favourite week of the year is almost finished – SATs week. The reason I dislike it so much is we are required to make the children sit tests which have little or no impact on them and their future, they are mainly used to judge schools. I am delighted with the calm and purposeful way the children have approached the tests, doing their best but not getting too stressed. This is just what we aim for. We will hopefully let you know how the children have done when they get their reports in July. I say hopefully because some years some schools haven’t had their results until during the summer holidays. We will be back to offering a broad and balanced curriculum next week after a weeks interruption.
Next week we are, as is traditional, having our Take One Picture Week. This is a project run by The National Gallery. Every year they choose a picture and invite schools across the country to make a response to it. The response does not have to be an artistic one but can be anything. I cannot wait to find out what the children will come up with this year. The week after will be science week when we will be celebrating all things scientific.
Next week is also walk to school week when children across the country are encouraged to come to school on foot, bike or scooter. If you need to come by car you could think about parking further away from school and walking some of the way.
This Friday 12th May the Peregrines are leading our assembly do join us if you can. We have had to change the date of the Eagle’s assembly to Friday 23rd June.
There have been a number of concerns raised about dogs. I know a number of you combine picking your child up with walking your dog, which is understandable. Thank you for not bringing them into the playground. Please could you tie them up away from the footpaths both in school and alongside school. I know you feel confident your dog can cope with large number of children walking past them, and possibly interacting with them, but not everyone shares your confidence. Some people are wary of dogs and feel unsafe passing them. Some dogs who are normally calm and passive can become agitated when surrounded by large groups of children and might react. I don’t want anxious dogs or people. My suggestions are if you are meeting an older child you could arrange to meet them near the gates where you can supervise your dog and keep them away from other children, or tie them up somewhere like the fence on the other side of the carpark gate, where gardening club made that lovely spring flower display. I am not a pet owner so do not always have the answer if anyone has better suggestions please let me know.
Tom Rank has let me know that there will be no ICT Club on 22nd May as he is unable to be there.
Remember if you have ordered any plants from the PTA the pick up will be on Tuesday 16th May.
Eagles are off to Castleton next week, 18th May, if you haven’t sent in your permission slip yet please do so as soon as possible.
Alice Littlehailes