St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear All,

It has been another busy week at St Luke’s. The girl’s football team had a great time on Friday night and will continue in the tournament this Friday.  I have been assured that there are dragons living in the courtyard, there have been several sightings but there is some argument about what colour they are! The older children have been thinking about how believers from different religions get through difficult times.

Your child should have brought home a sheet with the poems they are learning for their house. This is for our House Verse speaking challenge where every year all the children learn one poem set by me and one chosen by their house.  These poems are then performed by the whole house together on Friday 16th February when our poor judge will award points.  Please help your child learn their poems, I know it seems like a lot to learn but every year they surprise me by picking them up really quickly.

Thank you to everyone who helped with or came to to the quiz night last Friday. A good time was had by all with much laughter not only that it raised £70 for PTA funds.

Next Tuesday is Internet Safety Day as part of our ongoing work on internet safety we would like to set up a working group with pupil, parent and staff representatives on it. If you would like to be part of this group please let the office know.


There have been a number of reports of headlice, please be vigilant and keep checking heads.

We are having class menus again this year. Today is Merlin’s menu they have chosen fajitas or vegetable lasagne.  Next Thursday 8th Feb will be Eagle’s menu.  If your child usually has packed lunches but would like to join in these special days they are very welcome.  A dinner costs £2.

The PTA disco is fast approaching make sure you keep Friday 9th February free 5-6.30.  If you are available to help the PTA are always grateful for volunteers.

There will be an INSET day on Tuesday 8th May when school will be closed to children for staff training.  This will make this a 4 day weekend as this is the day after the bank holiday.

Alice Littlehailes