St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

This week has been RE week.  The children have enjoyed learning about different religions.  A Humanist came into school and talked about his beliefs as part of Humanist day.  The Year 4s had the chance to meet a friend of the school who is Muslim.  She did not have time to visit in person but she kindly talked to them online.

All the trips last week went so well.  The Harrier’s played well with the Halle. The rest of Key Stage Two had a good time at Musical Beasts.  Year 2 loved learning about the Great Fire of London at Staircase House.

The children in Y5&6 are performing in our summer production Sherlock & Cinders.  Parents of those children should get a letter about tickets today.

Remember on Friday 24th the Family Support Team are holding a coffee morning in the hall 10-11.  It would be great if lots of you could pop in and see them.

Tomorrow, Friday, Year 4 will be leading our Assembly at just after 9am.  Next Friday 1st July Year 3 will be leading it.  2 parents for each child are welcome to attend.  We do ask if you could wear a mask if possible.

Next week is Parent Meeting Week.  If you haven’t made your appointment yet remember to go online and book it.

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes