St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

It is starting to feel properly autumnal now.  The children in Merlins have had lovely autumn weather for their residential at Whitehall.  They had a great time and were a credit to you.

Thank you all so much for your donations for Glossopdale Food Bank.  Your generosity will help members of our community who are struggling.

Thank you also for the bag 2 school donations.  Your old textiles raised £88 for school.

Friday is our annual sculpture park.  The children in class have made sculptures on the theme of ‘The Rhythm of Life’.  You are invited to look at all the sculptures with your children at the end of the school day.  This year we are making our park even better by incorporating some musicians to play for you and your children.  Looking at the weather forecast, wet and windy, we may well have to move the sculptures and music indoors.  Whether we are inside or out this should be a lovely event combining music and 3D art.  I hope you are able to support it by staying for a little while after school.

School is taking part in a Cyber Security Project this year with Derbyshire County Council.  As part of this they are offering everyone the chance to carry out their own cyber security MOT.  All you need to do is log onto It takes just a few moments and will give you useful advice on staying secure.

On the 6th of October the catering service are having a Big Breakfast Lunch.  The children across the county have been so disappointed that The Big Breakfast is not a regular option that they have agreed to offer it on that day.  If your child usually has packed lunch but would like to have a school dinner on Big Breakfast Day, just let the office know.

A parent has asked for your help.  Last term on 7th July at pick up time there was an accident outside school a van and the parent’s car scraped together with the van having to reverse to become disengaged from the car.  There is some dispute as to who was at fault.  If you witnessed this accident, please can you let the office know.

The Glossop Jog is nearly here.  It is on Sunday 9th October at Pikes Lane Sports Ground.  There is still time to sign up for this popular event.

I have noticed a number of children walking on the walls around school.  This is not safe and I would ask that you don’t let your children walk on them.

A reminder about holidays in term time. 

Holidays during term time are not something I can authorise, the rules state:

In September 2013 the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013 came into force. These regulations make it clear that Headteachers should not grant approval for any leave of absence during term-time, including holidays, unless there are exceptional circumstances. These regulations also state that holidays cannot be authorised retrospectively.

Any requests should be on an official school absence request form and handed into the school office for consideration prior to any holiday/leave arrangements being made. 

You may be issued with a Penalty Notice should leave be taken which is not authorised. If unpaid this could lead to prosecution under section 444(1) of The Education Act 1996.


Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes