
Newsletter 22/06/2023

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents & Carers,

I hope you have all had a good week.  As ever school has been a hive of learning across the curriculum.  The Y4s are busy studying the science of sound and Reception the science of mini-beasts. A visitor came out of a science lesson in Y6 raving about it.  Clearly another scientific week.

Remember the next Bag 2 School collection is on Monday 26th June.  We have sent bags home to fill with textiles but you don’t need to use their bags any bin bag will do.

Our family support worker is offering a drop in session at school for parents on Thursday 29th June 11-12 and on Thursday 13th July 11-12.

On Friday 23rd June Y5 are leading our collective worship.  I will send out a code word for this assembly on the day.  We have had to swop the dates of the Reception and Year 1 assemblies.  Year 1’s is now on Friday 30th and Reception’s on the 7th.  I am sorry for any inconvenience.

The Summer Fair is almost here.  I look forward to seeing lots of you on Tuesday 27th June (next week).

I have this message for you from the PTA committee:

The winner of the top prize at our spring raffle – family day ticket to Just So Festival – is unable to attend but has very generously donated the tickets back to school.

If you and your family would like the chance to be included in a new prize draw to win the festival tickets then please email – stlukesptaglossop@gmail.com  Or pop into the school office to collect a ticket by the end of the day on Monday.

To make it fair please note it’s one ticket per family not per child.

If you would like to know more about the exciting day you could have at the Just So Festival then please visit their website https://justsofestival.org.uk/

We will do the draw at the fair. Winner will also be notified by email/phone.

Good luck from your PTA Committee

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 15/06/2023

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents & Carers,

It has, as ever, been a busy week this week in school.  There has been some amazing science work done based around the pond.  We have tadpoles and damsel flies to name but two things.  The children’s ideas of experiments and further research shows just how strong their grounding is in Science.  I also need to thank the children who yet again have been part of demonstration Maths lessons for other schools.  Our Maths teaching is so strong that we are used by the local Maths Hub for exemplar lessons. 

The PTA summer fair is coming up on Tuesday 27th June 3.30-5pm, the plans sound very exciting.  I am attaching a flyer which shows you all the fun things planned.  If you are available to help please let the office or the PTA committee know.  The more people that can help the better.  I hope you also have in your diary the Treasure Trail on Saturday 8th July this should be a fun family event.

The next Bag 2 School collection is on Monday 26th June.  We will be sending bags home to fill with textiles but you don’t need to use their bags and bin bag will do.

Our family support worker is offering a drop in session for parents on Thursday 29th June 11-12 and on Thursday 13th July.  I am attaching some more information about this.  I know parents have found it useful to chat to her about any concerns they have.

I have had a number of complaints about parents sitting in their cars with the engines running.  In the winter it is done to keep the heating running and in the summer to use the air-conditioning but it is really bad for the air quality.  It is damaging for the children to have all the emissions from the exhausts in the air they breathe as they are going home.  Please turn your engines off.

I have been sent some information about a Teddy Bears’ Picnic being run by Glossop, Hadfield, Guide Bridge and Hattersley stations on Saturday 17th June 11-2.  There is free travel for children and adults with an accompanying bear, events at the stations including competitions.

Remember there are no school run after school clubs next week because of parent’s meetings.  If you haven’t made your appointment yet remember to do so.

The Mighty Creatives have made two films celebrating the artsmark work which feature our school.  The links to them are here you may need to copy and paste them into your browser to make them work. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82Y6q6IrCjY  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1L8OFJ_p1E


Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes


Newsletter 08/06/2023

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents & Carers,

I hope you all had a lovely half term.  I know lots of you took advantage of the extra days to take a cheaper, and often sunnier holiday.  I am so pleased as this is one of the reasons I plan those extra days into the calendar.

If your child hasn’t brought back in their half term challenge Big Glossop Dig finds yet please can they do as soon as possible.

We have a busy half term coming up with lots planned including:

A chance for you to come in with your child at the end of the day today to look at their work – do not worry if you can’t make it as work will be coming home at the end of the year.

KS1 trip to the Halle next week.

Classes leading collective worship, next Friday it is Osprey’s turn.

Bag 2 School 26th June

PTA summer Fair 27th June

New Parent’s meeting 29th June 6pm

Y4 trip to play with The Halle 4th July

Induction visits for Y6

Y3 trip 7th July

PTA Treasure Trail 8th July

Y5 & 6 production 10th & 11th July

Summer Concert 18th July

PTA disco 19th July

Y6 leaver’s Party 21st July


I have been asked about Sports Day.  Like last year this is going to be held within school with no visitors.  I know some of you will be disappointed and some of you will be relieved.


Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes


Newsletter 25/05/2023

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents & Carers,

What a lovely sunny week we have had and it looks set to stay nice for the whole of half term. As you know we finish tomorrow and the children are back in on Wednesday 7th June.

Welcome to our weekly newsletter to the parents of children starting in Reception next September.

This week is RE week and the children are grappling with big questions.  The level of discussion has been really good.

Congratulations to our Healthy Me squad who did us proud at their move more event on Monday.  They have come back with lots of ideas of how to get us all more active.

Also congratulations to the girls cricket team who won the Glossop cricket tournament and are through to the High Peak Final on 8th June.

I have noticed that the parents of the children in Y5 & Y6 have forgotten that we ask them to wait for the children in the playground not on the path or the school side of the traversing wall.  This is to stop there being a bottle neck at that point.  Please remember to do this.

Tomorrow the children in Kites will be leading our collective worship.  The assembly starts just after registration.  I will send the code word out in the morning.

There will be no school led clubs the first week back after half term these resume on Monday 12th, there will be no clubs the week of the 19th as it is Parents meeting week, they will be on the weeks beginning 26th June and 3rd July.  They will finish on 7th July as we have the y5/6 production and the summer concert and the disco over the last 2 weeks.

On Thursday 8th June, after we have seen the children out to you, you are welcome to come back into school with your child to look at their books.  Do not worry if you cannot look at the books then as they will be coming home at the end of the year.

I look forward to seeing lots of you later for the drawing of the PTA raffle.  Thank you to everyone who has baked, sold tickets, bought tickets and offered to help with the event.  Parents are asked for £2 for their drink and cake and younger children £1. As you know we have asked for the children at school to bring £1 in.

Have a lovely half term


Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes



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