St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents & Carers,

I hope you have all had a good week.  As ever school has been a hive of learning across the curriculum.  The Y4s are busy studying the science of sound and Reception the science of mini-beasts. A visitor came out of a science lesson in Y6 raving about it.  Clearly another scientific week.

Remember the next Bag 2 School collection is on Monday 26th June.  We have sent bags home to fill with textiles but you don’t need to use their bags any bin bag will do.

Our family support worker is offering a drop in session at school for parents on Thursday 29th June 11-12 and on Thursday 13th July 11-12.

On Friday 23rd June Y5 are leading our collective worship.  I will send out a code word for this assembly on the day.  We have had to swop the dates of the Reception and Year 1 assemblies.  Year 1’s is now on Friday 30th and Reception’s on the 7th.  I am sorry for any inconvenience.

The Summer Fair is almost here.  I look forward to seeing lots of you on Tuesday 27th June (next week).

I have this message for you from the PTA committee:

The winner of the top prize at our spring raffle – family day ticket to Just So Festival – is unable to attend but has very generously donated the tickets back to school.

If you and your family would like the chance to be included in a new prize draw to win the festival tickets then please email –  Or pop into the school office to collect a ticket by the end of the day on Monday.

To make it fair please note it’s one ticket per family not per child.

If you would like to know more about the exciting day you could have at the Just So Festival then please visit their website

We will do the draw at the fair. Winner will also be notified by email/phone.

Good luck from your PTA Committee

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes