
Newsletter 18/05/2023

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents & Carers,

Well we are having a very creative week this week.  It is our Take One Picture Week when the work is based on a picture chosen by The National Gallery.  This year the picture is Surprised by Rousseau.  It features a tiger in a jungle.  On Monday the children worked in houses and treated us to immersive jungle experiences, dancing, music composed by the children, dioramas, stories and poems.  For the rest of the week the children are working in class and delving deeper into what they want to explore.

Yesterday one of our cricket teams took part in a tournament as ever we are very proud of them.

On Friday we have Scoot and Skate organised by the PTA.  It runs 3.30-4.30.  Children need to be with an adult.  Helmets must be worn.  This as well as toast, lucky children, busy parents!

The PTA raffle is being drawn on Thursday 25th May.  You are invited to come and have tea and cake from 2.30 and witness the raffle being drawn.  If you have not yet returned your tickets they need to be in by Friday.  Some parents have asked if they can transfer the ticket money rather than pay cash.  This can be done if you write bank transfer on the envelope and transfer the money to St Luke’s Parent Teacher Association, Sort 30-13-32, account number 00169725

The next PTA meeting is on Tuesday 23rd May at 3.30 in school.  Please try to attend if you can as the PTA needs as many people as possible.

High peak Community Arts who work with lots of children in the area are in the running to bag a prize of £70,000 to help with their work, if they get the most votes.  Please support them by voting for their project. Voting is easy, just go to – https://www.thepeoplesprojects.org.uk/projects/view/its-in-our-nature-an-arts-and-mental-health-project  – watch the film, and vote from 15th May until midday 26th May.


On a previous newsletter I mentioned the work done at the Adult Education Centre I am attaching their latest leaflet.

An early warning, we have another Bag 2 School collection on Monday 26th June.  This is when we raise funds by you sending in your old clothes and shoes for reuse and recycling.  If you are having a clear-out, please bag your textiles up and save them for us.

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes




Newsletter 11/05/2023

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents & Carers,

I cannot believe we are at another Thursday already.  As nice as these long weekends have been I no longer know which day of the week we are on.  I hope you all managed to enjoy last weekend and saw as much of the coronation as you wanted to.  I was in awe at them managing to get all those marching bands to start at the same time.  Having lived through the singing of Happy Birthday on zoom and the effect of time lag I know it could have gone so very wrong! It made me think of the importance of preparation and practice and how sometimes we have to put the boring work in to achieve those stand out moments.

I am attaching our lovely Church School Inspection report.  I am delighted that we have been judged as a double good.  Thank you to all of you for helping make this school what it is and to everyone who supported this process.

We have been trying to hold our postponed House Netball and Football and sports competition but the weather keeps getting in the way.  Fingers crossed we will be able to get it done before the end of the week.

We have decided to postpone the Y3 collective act of worship which was to be on Friday.  The children are just not happy with what they have prepared for you so far and we wanted to give them more time so they can be happy with what they are sharing with you.  Their assembly will now be on Friday 26th May.  I am sorry for any inconvenience caused by this.

Next week is our Take One Picture Week.  This is a week when we follow a National Gallery project.  Every year they choose one of their pictures to be an inspiration for the children’s work.  This year the picture is Henri Rousseau’s ‘Surprised!’.  I cannot wait to see the children’s faces when we reveal it or their ideas of what we should explore inspired by it.

Mel Ashton who works with our children on Drama is offering children in Kestrels a taster session on to see if they might be interested in learning drama privately from her.  The session will take place on 19th May and cost £5.50.  If you think your child might be interested I am attaching a flyer about it.

Thank you to everyone who has returned their raffle tickets for the PTA raffle.  Please can we have a last push to sell as many tickets as possible and return them to school ASAP.

The next PTA meeting is on Tuesday 23rd May at 3.30 in school.  Please try to attend if you can as the PTA needs as many people as possible.  I am attaching the agenda.


Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes


St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents & Carers,

It has been lovely this week to welcome two artists into school to work with the children in their dome.  The children have been exploring sights and sounds.  They will be with us for the rest of the week to ensure each class gets the opportunity to work with them.

We have also been learning about the coronation ready for this weekend’s celebrations.  The children have been learning about what happens during a coronation, making things to hold their own coronations and exploring what a monarch might promise to do.

Toast went really well last week thank you for supporting this and sending your child in with 20p.  It will continue just about every Friday until the end of term.

The special Thursday dinners continue next week it is Harrier’s menu they have planned shepherd’s pie made with sweet potato mash or Quorn Dippers with fried rice – yum.  The 18th is a theme day with big breakfast and on the 25th it is Harrier’s day.  They have chosen Hot Dogs and Chips.

Some representatives from the Adult Education Centre on Talbot Street came in to talk to me about what they could offer you.  They are a number of courses and they also provide a free crèche to make sure there are no barriers to you being able to attend courses.  If you are thinking about the next step for you do find out what they can offer you.

Remember it is a bank holiday on Monday for the coronation.

On Friday 12th May Kites are leading our collective worship.  The Assembly starts at just after 9am. The code word will be sent out on the day.

If you haven’t yet filled in the Governor’s parent survey the deadline for it is tomorrow. It can be found via this link – https://forms.gle/Dm7p6eu4jQjLKZjh6


Enjoy the long weekend.

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 27/04/2023

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents & Carers,

Well another week has flown by.  There is a lovely productive atmosphere across the school. Something that was commented on by the Inspectors on Tuesday. I have been lucky enough to have loads of children bring down some fantastic writing to show me.  I really enjoy seeing the children’s pride in their work when they know it is their best.

I hope your children all enjoyed the toast last Friday provided by the PTA.  Toast is going to be a regular Friday feature again.  Starting tomorrow if your child brings in 20p on a Friday they can buy a piece of toast.  The older children love being the person who is in charge of the list of those who have paid.  Not only is it a treat it is also part of the children’s financial education.  The children learn the link between money and goods.  In an age when lots of people pay with cards or online that understanding is even more important.  Thank you so much to the parents who have volunteered to make this possible.

I am attaching some information about a free girls’ cricket taster day.  Our girls are really enjoying cricket as a sport and I am sure a number of them will want to go to this.  It has been organised by Mrs Pierce so they will have a friendly face there.

It has been pointed out to me by one of our visitors to school that people have been parking on the zig zag lines outside school.  Please make sure you are following the Highway Code and parking responsibly to keep everyone safe.

Remember Monday is a bank holiday.  On Tuesday the NEU has called another strike day so Years 3,4 & 5 are not in.  Y1 are not in for the morning but will be in for their dinner at 12.  Reception are in for the morning but picked up at 12.30 after their dinner.

Next week we will be finding out more about the coronation and the role of the monarch.  On Thursday we will be having Merlin’s special menu of sausages – always a favourite.

A number of the older children are experiencing difficulties managing relationships on WhatsApp.  If this is true for your child the advice is not to ban them or take their phone off them but to talk to them about being respectful online, not using it as a way of saying to people things you wouldn’t say to their face.  It also should not be used as a way to exclude people.  WhatsApp is for 14 years plus and if you decide to let your child use it, help them to use it in a way that does not cause upset.

Enjoy the long weekend.

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes




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