St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents & Carers,

I cannot believe we are at another Thursday already.  As nice as these long weekends have been I no longer know which day of the week we are on.  I hope you all managed to enjoy last weekend and saw as much of the coronation as you wanted to.  I was in awe at them managing to get all those marching bands to start at the same time.  Having lived through the singing of Happy Birthday on zoom and the effect of time lag I know it could have gone so very wrong! It made me think of the importance of preparation and practice and how sometimes we have to put the boring work in to achieve those stand out moments.

I am attaching our lovely Church School Inspection report.  I am delighted that we have been judged as a double good.  Thank you to all of you for helping make this school what it is and to everyone who supported this process.

We have been trying to hold our postponed House Netball and Football and sports competition but the weather keeps getting in the way.  Fingers crossed we will be able to get it done before the end of the week.

We have decided to postpone the Y3 collective act of worship which was to be on Friday.  The children are just not happy with what they have prepared for you so far and we wanted to give them more time so they can be happy with what they are sharing with you.  Their assembly will now be on Friday 26th May.  I am sorry for any inconvenience caused by this.

Next week is our Take One Picture Week.  This is a week when we follow a National Gallery project.  Every year they choose one of their pictures to be an inspiration for the children’s work.  This year the picture is Henri Rousseau’s ‘Surprised!’.  I cannot wait to see the children’s faces when we reveal it or their ideas of what we should explore inspired by it.

Mel Ashton who works with our children on Drama is offering children in Kestrels a taster session on to see if they might be interested in learning drama privately from her.  The session will take place on 19th May and cost £5.50.  If you think your child might be interested I am attaching a flyer about it.

Thank you to everyone who has returned their raffle tickets for the PTA raffle.  Please can we have a last push to sell as many tickets as possible and return them to school ASAP.

The next PTA meeting is on Tuesday 23rd May at 3.30 in school.  Please try to attend if you can as the PTA needs as many people as possible.  I am attaching the agenda.


Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes