
Newsletter 09/03/2023

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents & Carers,

Well the weather has turned hasn’t it.  Lots of opportunities to learn about ice and snow.  Spring will be on its way soon I am sure after all British summer Time starts in a couple of weeks.

On Friday 10th of March Kestrels will be leading our Collective Worship.  It will start just after 9am and I will send out the code word that morning.  It will be Merlins’ turn on Friday 17th March.

There is a meeting for the parents of the children going to Whitby on 13th March at 5.30.  The link for this meeting has been sent out.

On Monday 20th March the Merlins will be performing at Buxton Opera House as part of the dance festival.  They will need to take with them a packed tea.  We have been told that there is a child who is extremely allergic to egg also performing.  We have been asked to make sure that none of our children bring anything like egg sandwiches, frittata, mayonnaise on sandwiches.  We have been told that cake is ok.  Thank you for complying with this and making sure this child is kept safe.

On Wednesday 22nd of March the children in Eagles will be going to Glossopdale to watch a performance of Mary Poppins.

A reminder that there will be a PTA EGM on 22nd March to elect a treasurer.  This will be a short meeting immediately after school please stay if you can.

There is a Special Educational Needs Support Group meeting at The Vineyard.  I am attaching some information about it.

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 02/03/2023

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents & Carers,

Thank you to everyone who supported the break 5 rules day.

The children will be bringing home a World Book Day book token today.  I really look forward to hearing about the books everyone has got with them.

I have already seen some wonderful photos of your children reading in surprising places and I look forward to seeing more!

On Friday 3rd of March Eagles will be leading our Collective Worship.  It will start just after 9am and I will send out the code word that morning.  It will be Kestrels’ turn on Friday 10th March.

Mrs Eltringham is going to be running some Maths Workshops for parents of children in Key Stage 1.  These will happen during the school day as part of the time will be spent doing maths activities with your children.  The workshops will be:

2pm on 21st March for Y2 Parents

2pm on 22nd March for Y1 Parents

2pm on 30th March for Reception Parents

Tomorrow the whole school will be working on the NSPCC ‘Pants Project’.  This is a project to help the children stay safe by following the simple rule that anything in the part of their body covered by their pants is personal and nobody should touch that area without permission.  It also encourages them to speak out and stay safe if something happens that makes them feel uncomfortable.  It is done very sensitively and supportively.  The NSPCC website has lots of information for parents to help you keep your children safe I would recommend looking at it.

Remember if your child wants to enter the Fairtrade Competition the entries need to be in school by 10th March.

There is a PTA quiz night for parents coming up on Friday 24th March pop it in your diary.  More details to follow.

A huge thank you for all his work goes out to Mr Barnett who after a number of years has stepped down as PTA treasurer.  This means there is a vacancy.  If you think you might be interested in taking up the role do speak to any of the PTA representatives in the playground to find out more.

I have been informed that people are still parking in the private carpark belonging to the flats across from school.  This is not a public carpark and should not be used by parents dropping off and picking up, just like you would not park on someone’s drive.  Please park respectfully.

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 16/02/2023

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents & Carers,

What a lovely week we have had crisp cold mornings and spring like days, I know it is drizzly this morning but it has been fantastic.  I hope it stays nice for next week when the children are off.

The Governors have completed the recruitment process and I am pleased to be able to tell you they have appointed my successor.  Mrs Jakki Rogers will take over as the Headteacher from September.  She is an experienced Headteacher currently working as part of the Stockport Inclusion Team. She will be a good fit for the school and I am sure you will enjoy working with her.

On Friday (tomorrow) the Pupil Parliament and High Peak Kids Council are running a break 5 rules day to raise money for Mountain Rescue and Blyth House.  The way it works is this for each rule the children choose to break they are asked to donate at least 20p.  If they break all 5 rules that is a donation of at least £1.  The rules are:

  1. Wearing uniform – the children can wear their own clothes
  2. Only water to drink – the children can bring in unhealthy drinks
  3. Only fruit for snack – the children can bring in unhealthy snacks
  4. Tidy hair & no nail varnish – the children can have crazy hair and wear nail varnish
  5. No toys – the children can bring in a toy (remember toys in school can get damaged or lost so please don’t send in anything too precious).

The PTA have planned an evening event on Friday the 24th of March for the grown ups! They will be hosting a Quiz Night with Smart Phone Quiz Knights Ben Knight! Please pencil the date in to your calendar and if you’d like to get involved in planning the event, please drop them an email at stlukesptaglossop@gmail.com

We finish for half term on Friday and the children are back in on Monday 27th February.

It is World Book Day on Thursday 2nd March.  This year we are not dressing up but having a book swop and a book at breakfast.  We are also asking the children to bring in photos of them reading in interesting places.  Last week I shared some photos to inspire you here is another: Mrs Clayton reads in the swimming pool.



On Friday 3rd of March Eagles will be leading our Collective Worship.  It will start just after 9am and I will send out the code word that morning.


Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 09/02/2023

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents & Carers,

This week I have been seeing children jigging around school!  As part of mental Health week the children have all been learning a dance.  They are amazing at it – I am less good it starts something like four taps with your left foot, four with your right four alternate a four step turn cross overs walk back and I am lost already.  You will have to get your children to show you.  We are doing it because dancing reduces anxiety and makes people happy.

Congratulations to the children who took part in the Sports Hall Athletics yesterday as ever they were a credit to the school.

Thank you to everyone who helped with the film night.  The children had a great time.  I have never seen 140 hot dogs disappear so fast.

Tomorrow Peregrines will be leading our Collective Worship.  Their assembly starts at about 9.10.  I will text out the code word in the morning. 

If you haven’t signed up for your online parent teacher meeting yet remember they are next week.

There are no school led, after school clubs next week because of parent teacher meetings.

Next week on Friday, the Pupil Parliament and High Peak Kids Council are running a break 5 rules day to raise money for Mountain Rescue and Blyth House.  The way it works is this, for each rule the children chose to break they are asked to donate at least 20p.  If they break all 5 rules that is a donation of at least £1.  The rules are:

  1. Wearing uniform – the children can wear their own clothes
  2. Only water to drink – the children can bring in unhealthy drinks
  3. Only fruit for snack – the children can bring in unhealthy snacks
  4. Tidy hair & no nail varnish – the children can have crazy hair and wear nail varnish
  5. No toys – the children can bring in a toy (remember toys in school can get damaged or lost so please don’t send in anything too precious).

Thank you to everyone who has responded to the choir letter.  We have only got 7 members of the choir able to sing at the Fairtrade Coffee Morning on Saturday 1st April so I will have to tell them we cannot perform.

We are starting to plan for World Book Day on Thursday 2nd March.  On that day we will have a book at breakfast, everyone will start the school day with toast, hot chocolate and a book (the swimmers will have theirs after swimming). We are going to have a book swop, bring a book you have finished with and choose a new one.  We are also asking the children to bring in a picture of them reading in unusual places here are some to get you thinking:

Mrs Hillier reads in the climbing tower.


          Mrs Littlehailes is reading in the paper cupboard




                                                                                                 Baby Sophie reads in her den with her Daddy.



Where will you read?  We look forward to seeing your pictures.



Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

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