
Newsletter 07/07/2022

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

This is going to be a very brief newsletter as for the first time in all my years at St Luke’s I am writing this from my sick bed!!! I am so hoping to be fit and well by next week, seriously not into this being off business.

Tomorrow is the Summer Fair.  I know a lot of fun things are planned and that you will all have a great time.

Tomorrow is also when Ospreys are leading the assembly at just after 9am.  Parents from that class will be sent a code word via the text messaging service just show that text to gain entry.  Hopefully everything will run smoothly but as it is the first time we have used this system please be patient with any glitches.  Kestrels will be leading assembly on Friday 15th.

Next week Year 5&6 are performing their play about Cinderella and Sherlock.  Remember entry is ticket only so do remember your tickets.

Our violin and Viola teacher has spaces see below:

There are spaces available for violin and viola lessons from this September. Lessons take place in school and cost £5.25 per week for a group lesson, with subsidies available for children accessing Free School Meals. Individual lessons are also available. For more information or to arrange a taster lesson, please email Helen –

Do contact Helen soon if you would like your child to have a taster session.

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 01/07/2022

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Thank you to all the parents who have shown understanding and patience over the temporary postponement of events.  I am hoping to be able to update you on new procedures next week.

There is a new way to apply for free school meals, see below.  If you think you may be eligible please do apply.

Parents and carers are now able to check their eligibility and apply for Free School Meals instantly via a Parent Portal.

It is easy to create a Parent Portal account, parents and carers please click the link below, or visit and use the search box at the top of the page to search for free school meals.

Once signed in, it is quick for parents and carers to check if their child(ren) can receive Free School Meals.

Applications for Free School Meal funding can also still be made via paper form or contacting the Free School Meals Team using these contact details.

Phone: 01629 536 481 Mon – Fri, 01629 535 743 Wed – Fri 


Your child should be bringing home information about the Library Summer Reading Challenge.  The children who take part in this always enjoy it and love sharing with us what they have read.

There are a number of parents who have not paid for their children’s dinners.  Please can you check your account and ensure all debts are settled.  Thank you.

I hope the Y6 children going to Glossopdale enjoy their transition day on Friday and those going to St Philip Howard enjoy theirs next week.


Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 23/06/2022

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

This week has been RE week.  The children have enjoyed learning about different religions.  A Humanist came into school and talked about his beliefs as part of Humanist day.  The Year 4s had the chance to meet a friend of the school who is Muslim.  She did not have time to visit in person but she kindly talked to them online.

All the trips last week went so well.  The Harrier’s played well with the Halle. The rest of Key Stage Two had a good time at Musical Beasts.  Year 2 loved learning about the Great Fire of London at Staircase House.

The children in Y5&6 are performing in our summer production Sherlock & Cinders.  Parents of those children should get a letter about tickets today.

Remember on Friday 24th the Family Support Team are holding a coffee morning in the hall 10-11.  It would be great if lots of you could pop in and see them.

Tomorrow, Friday, Year 4 will be leading our Assembly at just after 9am.  Next Friday 1st July Year 3 will be leading it.  2 parents for each child are welcome to attend.  We do ask if you could wear a mask if possible.

Next week is Parent Meeting Week.  If you haven’t made your appointment yet remember to go online and book it.

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 16/06/2022

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

We were all so proud of the Eagles who performed magnificently at Buxton Opera House.  What an opportunity for them to sing on the Opera House Stage.

Next Wednesday we are holding an Open Afternoon from 1.30 where you can pop in and see your child’s classroom.  We want to keep the space as covid unfriendly as possible so if the room seems to have a lot of people in it please wait before going in.  We would also ask that you keep your visit to a reasonable length so others can also have chance to go in.

Due to the Open Afternoon there will be no cookery or recorder clubs after school on Wednesday.

Remember on Friday 24th the Family Support Team are holding a coffee morning in the hall 10-11.  It would be great if lots of you could pop in and see them.

Tomorrow, Friday, Year 1 will be leading our Assembly at just after 9am.  Next Friday 24th June Year 4 will be leading it.  2 parents for each child are welcome to attend.  We do ask if you could wear a mask if possible.

On Thursday 21st July we are reinstating our summer concert.  This is a lovely event where the choir and any children who play a musical instrument perform.  Please keep it free in your diary.

Two more dates for your diary Friday 8th July it is the PTA summer Fair after school and on Tuesday 19th July it is the first PTA disco since the pandemic!

I need to remind you that holidays during term time are not something I can authorise, the rules state:

In September 2013 the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013 came into force. These regulations make it clear that Headteachers should not grant approval for any leave of absence during term-time, including holidays, unless there are exceptional circumstances. These regulations also state that holidays cannot be authorised retrospectively.

Any requests should be on an official school absence request form and handed into the school office for consideration prior to any holiday/leave arrangements being made. 

You may be issued with a Penalty Notice should leave be taken which is not authorised. If unpaid this could lead to prosecution under section 444(1) of The Education Act 1996.

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

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