St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter
Dear Parents,
Tomorrow is the Christmas Fair Hooray!!!! Thank you to everyone for sending in chocolate and gifts, books, wellies and woollies. It is shaping up to be a good one. I look forward to seeing you all there.
The Y6s and Y2s have had their last swim today until 19th January.
Tomorrow Y3 are leading our Collective Worship. The Assembly is first thing. I will send you the password tomorrow morning. Y4s are leading our collective worship on Wednesday 7th December.
At 6.30 on Wednesday 14th December the choir are singing as part of the carols in the square. I have attached a leaflet. Everyone is welcome at this event.
The children will all have parties Y3&4 on Monday 19th, Y5&6 on Tuesday 20th, R, Y1&2 on Wednesday 21st. On the day of your child’s party they can come in party clothes or bring them to change into at lunchtime.
Some Reminders
On the last day on term 22nd December we are having our school Christmas Dinner. This is a lovely occasion when the school eat together. Almost all the children take part in this celebration. If your child is not going to have a Christmas Dinner, please let the office know. If we don’t hear from you we will assume your child will be having a school dinner that day.
On Tuesday 6th December a film company is coming into school to make a film about our arts provision because of our Platinum Artsmark. The film is being made for The Mighty Creatives and will be used by them to promote Artsmark. It will most likely appear on their You Tube feed. Most of the footage of the children will be of them engaged in activities or in the background. If you do not want your child to appear in this film please let us know.
Stay happy and healthy
Alice Littlehailes