St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

So here we are in July looking at a very different end to the school year, usually at this point we are preparing leaver’s services and celebrations, visiting our new classes, looking back on the past year, celebrating our successes. I know we have 2 weeks left but I would just like to celebrate your successes this academic year. As parents you have really stepped up and played your part in this ongoing national emergency. For weeks you either carried our vital work and bravely sent your child in to school, or you started educating your child at home. You have been juggling trying to work in a different way from home with keeping your child both entertained and educated. You have calmly and in a considered way decided whether or not to send your child back in to school, without judging people who made a different decision to you. You all have my respect and admiration. I just hope, as some more of the lockdown restrictions are eased this weekend, all this that you have done is not undone by people forgetting that there are still rules about what we can and can’t do. Unfortunately, Corona Virus has not gone away and we all need to proceed with caution. I hope you all take a moment today to stop and feel proud of yourself, even a little smug if you like, the job is not done but you are doing it really well. Thank you.

Tomorrow we say goodbye for the summer to some of our children, the first group of years 2-5. This is sad we have not had enough time with you this year but September will be here soon and everyone will be back in school together. It will feel a little different and we won’t be able to do everything we would normally do but we will still be St Luke’s. We will still be supporting the children’s learning via the blogs for the next 2 weeks so do keep telling us what you are all doing.

On Monday we welcome back the second group of years 2-5 we are all very excited to be seeing you again. Please refer back to the letter I sent out on 16th June for full details of arrangements but here is a reminder of drop off and pick up arrangements:

Drop off times are: Surnames A – H 8.40 –8.45 I – Z 8.55 – 9.00 Pick up times are: Surnames A – H 3.20 I – Z 3.30

There is a one way system in operation – do not worry there are people outside to help you.

Reports will be going out over the next week. As I am sure you understand they are much shorter than usual because of the year we have had but they encapsulate your child as a learner.

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes