St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

I hope you are all well. I wanted to share with you all just how proud I am of your children. On Tuesday as part of the Day of Reflection we held a service outside and walked through the ribbons along the path. Your children were respectful, thoughtful and really took the opportunity to reflect on the past year. They were able to acknowledge what they had lost, both big and small, and also celebrate having hope for the future. A number of them said just how much it had meant to them. I hope our path of ribbons has also given you the chance to reflect. I will leave them there until Friday. You are still welcome to add a ribbon if you would like to.

Our chicks are growing at pace. They leave us tomorrow which is a good job as the brooder box is becoming a bit tight for all ten of them.

Please can I remind you that we need to keep our distance when picking up and dropping off children. Some people have mentioned to me that people are getting closer than two metres. I know it is easy to forget as we are all sociable people but please try.

You should have had a copy of the information we hold for your child/children. Please could you check it and return it to us as soon as possible. Even if there are no changes to be made we need you to sign to say there are no changes. Keith has a box to put them in at the start and end of the school day.

I am attaching a flyer about an online art class for you adults. It looks really good and might be just what you need for you over the Easter Holiday.

We finish for Easter on Thursday 1st April and return to school on Monday 19th April. As in previous school holidays if your child tests positive for Corona Virus during the holiday please can you let us know as we may need to contact other families to isolate. The office will be closed so please text school or email thank you. I am hoping nobody needs to do this!

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes