St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

I hope you all got the information about covid cases in Glossop yesterday. If you did not get the email let us know and we will re send it to you.

School continues to be a vibrant place with lots of children happily engaged in their learning. It is always a pleasure to walk round school and see so many children excited about what they are learning and eager to share it with me. I am particularly pleased to see that their learning is in all areas, their emotional understanding and ability to consider each other shines through.

The Year 6s are starting to do work around transition to secondary school. As well as the work we do in school Glossopdale are running a workshop today for them and St Philip Howard are running some online lessons for them over the next few weeks. Those children going to other schools not only get to take part in these things but will also get support from their schools.

Next week is Travel Smart Week this is a national event to try and reduce the car journeys to school. Unfortunately, we are all caught up in a cycle; as the roads get busier it feels less safe so we are tempted to drive, increasing the number of cars so making it feel less safe. We need to try to break this cycle. If everyone can try to walk, scoot or cycle to school or park further away and walk the last bit of your journey. Due to covid I am not going to encourage car sharing but in normal times I would be. Traditionally it rains during this week, it is like bank holidays the weather just knows! Despite this please try to do your bit next week you might well find you enjoy it.

Thank you to everyone who took on board what I said last week about lateness and tried to get to school on time the number of children coming in late was reduced.

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes