St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

I hope you are all alright and haven’t been blown away.  Tomorrow looks to be even windier!

Congratulations to the children who represented us at Sports Hall Athletics and at Archery this week.  I have heard nothing but good things about their behaviour, attitudes.  They all came back buzzing having had a great time.  The archers were all smiling despite being soaked through.

You have, I am sure, heard that the covid rules are likely to change with isolation coming to an end.  I have been given no new guidance yet as to what that will mean for school.  I am anticipating that it will mean children will be off school if they are unwell but otherwise will be in school.  If this is what happens staff will stop providing work at home to children with covid because only those who are experiencing symptoms will be at home and they will be too unwell to work.  It will be like any other virus.  I also have no information about the vaccinations for children 5-11 that were announced yesterday.  When I know more I will let you know. 

Pupil update forms are being sent home with children, you may have already had yours, please check the contact information we have and return the forms to school as soon as possible.

You have been sent home with the children a consent form for filming.  The Reese Centre from The University of Oxford is making a film about how to support children in schools.  They want to film some background shots here on the 4th March.  I don’t know who will get into shot at the moment so I have sent forms to everyone.  Please can you return the forms to school as soon as possible.

Thursday 3rd March is World Book Day; it is in fact the 25th anniversary of World Book Day.  To celebrate this we are inviting the children to come dressed as a character from a book and bring the book they are from to school.  If the children do not want to dress up they do not have to.  If they just want to make a mask to represent that character, they can.  Please do not feel you have to go out and spend money on this a costume that is a nod to the character is more than good enough.  I know it is the first swim for the children in Y1 and Y5 that day, if it makes it easier they can bring their costume in a bag and we will get them changed at school. Alternatively they can wear their costume to the baths with their swimming costume on underneath.

Glossop Fairtrade Campaign are running a competition.  I am attaching the details.  Please return any entries to school by 11th March.

Have a lovely half term holiday.  See you on 28th February.

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes